Liaoning New China Dragon Dayou Moly Co.,Ltd.

Our company has been awarded the "Gold Supplier" award by CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group

Jul 28,2022       browse:3848 times

On July 27th, a group of six people led by Guo Peifeng, the Assistant President of CITIC Pacific Special Steel Group, visited our company for inspection and exchange. Company leaders Li Yuxi, Zhang Shaoqiang, Bai Xiaofeng, and others had in-depth and friendly conversations with visiting VIPs at the company headquarters.

At the meeting, Huang Jianghai, General Manager of CITIC Pacific Procurement Center, presented the "2021 Gold Supplier" trophy to Zhang Shaoqiang, General Manager of Liaoning Xinhua Longdayou Molybdenum Industry Co., Ltd., which is the highest award received by CITIC Pacific suppliers. The fact that Xinhua Dragon has been awarded this honor again is the greatest praise and affirmation given by CITIC Pacific to Xinhua Dragon.

All along, Xinhualong has firmly established the concept of "customer-centric", taking creating value for customers and solving pain points, blockages, and difficult problems for customers as its own mission. In the tight supply of molybdenum iron market, especially during the epidemic period, Xinhualong actively solves the shortage of molybdenum iron supply for CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group, ensuring the supply of molybdenum iron products for CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group with stable supply and good quality, This effectively ensures the stable production and operation of the company, reflects Xinhua Long's advanced molybdenum iron production capacity, management level, and responsibility, and demonstrates the good image of honesty and trustworthiness of the large group.

CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group is a professional group company controlled by CITIC Taifu Co., Ltd., a Hong Kong listed company under CITIC Group. Its Jiangyin Xingcheng Special Steel and Hubei Xinye Steel are among the top 500 in China and one of the top 500 in China's manufacturing industry. Liaoning Xinhua Longdayou Molybdenum Industry Co., Ltd., as a nationally renowned ferromolybdenum production enterprise, is an excellent alloy supplier of CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group and has been awarded the honorary title of "Gold Supplier" by CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group for many consecutive years. This time, CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group awarded Xinhua Long the honorary title of "2021 Gold Supplier", which not only recognizes the quality and supply capacity of our company's products, but also marks a broader cooperation space for both parties in the field of special high-quality alloys.

Both sides unanimously stated that they need to further enhance strategic mutual trust, strengthen communication and exchange, actively seek suitable points for in-depth cooperation, and achieve common development.