Liaoning New China Dragon Dayou Moly Co.,Ltd.

The company received a visit from leaders of CITIC Pacific Special Steel

Jul 28,2022       browse:3921 times

On July 27th, Guo Peifeng, Assistant to the President of CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group Co., Ltd., and Cheng Jiang, Deputy General Manager of Tianjin Steel Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd., along with relevant department heads, visited Liaoning Xinhua Longdayou Molybdenum Industry Co., Ltd. for inspection and exchange. Company leaders Li Yuxi, Zhang Shaoqiang, Bai Xiaofeng, and others had in-depth and friendly conversations with visiting VIPs at the company headquarters.

Guo Peifeng fully acknowledges the achievements of cooperation between the two sides over the years, but also puts forward expectations for further deepening of future cooperation. Guo Peifeng stated that for many years, as a long-term strategic partner of CITIC Pacific, Xinhua Long has always adhered to the concept of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. Especially during the epidemic, Xinhua Long actively coordinated supply, effectively ensuring production and operation. This not only reflects the strength and responsibility of Xinhua Long as a leading molybdenum iron enterprise in the country, but also demonstrates its good image of honesty and trustworthiness. Both sides need to further strengthen communication and mutual trust, and achieve common development.

Li Yuxi welcomed the arrival of Guo Peifeng and his delegation. Zhang Shaoqiang gave a detailed introduction to the company's entrepreneurial history, development status, and production scale. Zhang Shaoqiang stated that over the years, both sides have maintained a unwavering determination in strategic cooperation, adhered to the principle of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, fully utilized their respective product advantages, actively responded to market tests, walked together in wind and rain, and shared benefits and righteousness, achieving outstanding development achievements. I hope that both sides can further deepen cooperation, remain steadfast in seeking common development, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

Huang Jianghai, General Manager of CITIC Taifu Special Steel Group Procurement Center, Li Wuchang, Deputy Director of CITIC Taifu Procurement Center, Xia Jing, Assistant Manager of Tianjin Steel Pipe Procurement Center, and Zhang Wenyu, General Manager of Xinhua Longyou Molybdenum Sales Company attended the exchange meeting.